You’re going through life, and sometimes it’s tough, so what do you do? How do you get through it?  What is gonna happen?  Does anyone out there even understand?  I wish someone could tell me what to do.
These are all totally good things to be asking! “We Got You” is a podcast for younger kids whose hard questions are answered by the older teens who have already been through it. 
Teens discuss issues they faced as middle schoolers, as a means to inspire and educate the younger generation to know they are not alone in their struggles.
The series is made for TRAX, a new podcast network aimed at tweens from PRX (The Moth, This American Life, TED Talks Daily, Mortified) with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (yep, the Sesame Street people).  We Got You would like to give special thanks to The Boys and Girls Club of America (NorthEast), Big Brothers Big Sisters, Park Slope Parents Network, and all the organizations and individuals that helped along the way. 
We Got You Theme song is composed by Dima and can be downloaded here.



The series is made for TRAX, a new podcast network aimed at tweens from PRX (The Moth, This American Life, TED Talks Daily, Mortified) with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (yep, the Sesame Street people).